Ever fancied running the Great North Run but you’re always too late to enter or have not plucked up the...
Summer Feet
Exposing your feet in the summer after a long winter in enclosed shoes, boots and socks can be a bit...
Foot creams and lotions
Afetr a routine podiatry appointment cream can be applied to dry cracked heels and soles after the skin is removed....
Great North Run Preperation
If you are new to running, before you start any event you need the right trainers. Here at Howlett and...
Why do I run
Like most runners I have a love-hate relationship with running. I hate getting out of bed at 5am in the...
Feet For Life Month – Embarrassing Feet
Feet are one of the hardest working parts of the body and in a lifetime you will walk in excess...
Falls Awareness Week 2013
You’d be forgiven for thinking that falls are a part of ageing, something that ‘just happens’ as you get older....
Guest Post – Embarrassing Glasses
Following on from this months theme of embarrassing feet, our friends at Michael Offord Optometrist have written our first guest...
Treating cracked heels
Cracked heels can be extremely painful and occur where the skin has become dry or has experienced excessive pressure. To...
What are bunions
A bunion is a condition where the big toe is angled excessively towards the second toe and a bony prominence...