Your First Visit with the Podiatrist

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On your first visit to Howlett & Dickinson you will receive a full consultation and treatment.

We will take a full medical history, you will be required to fill a New Patient Registration Form to give consent to treatment, and discuss with you any problems that you may have.

We will then assess your feet and lower limb and diagnose any problems we find. We will routinely cut and file your nails if necessary, and treat any corns, callous, damaged, thickened, fungal or ingrown toe nails. If you have verrucae, a sports injury or musculo-skeletal problem we will start treatment if possible in this initial visit.

The best treatment plan for you will be discussed at this appointment, whether it is regular routine care or if you need a course of treatment or another appointment for a specific treatment. It may be necessary for us to refer you on to another health professional such as a doctor or physiotherapist.