What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitisPlantar fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a type of connective tissue that encapsulates the muscles in the sole of the foot and supports the arch. It acts like a bowstring that connects the ball of the foot to the heel.
While walking, at the moment the heel of the trailing leg begins to lift off the ground, the plantar fascia endures tension that is approximately twice body weight. This moment of maximum tension is increased if there is lack of flexibility in the calf muscles. An increase in body weight causes the same percentage increase in tension in the facia.

Signs & symptoms
The classic sign of plantar fasciitis is heel pain with the first few steps in the morning. The pain is usually in the front and bottom of the heel, but it can be in any portion of the bottom of the foot where the plantar fascia is located. The pain can move around . It can be mild or debilitating, it can come and go, last a few months or become permanent.

Change or increase in activities
No arch support in shoes
Lack of flexibility in calf muscles
Sudden injury
Pronation (rolling in of foot)
High arches

Stretching—plantar fascia stretch and calf stretch
Icing—apply after sport, or evenings after daily activity, use bag of ice or frozen peas wrapped in tea towel for 10 mins. Or freeze a small bottle of water & roll your foot over it backwards and forwards.
Anti inflammatory tablets e.g. Ibuprofen
Lose weight
Better footwear
Arch supports
Heel cups
Low level laser treatment
Podiatric acupuncture