Preparing feet for winter
During the summer months people tend to expose their feet and wear sandals this can cause the skin on our feet to get very dry and hard especially round the heels.
During the winter our skin dries even more so the best thing to keep the feet as healthy as possible is to have the hard skin removed and start using a good emollient such as Ureka cream. This comes in 10% and 25%. The 25% is best for cracked heels.
So, ladies remember to remove your nail varnish and leave the nails free of polish, paint some Dr’s Remedy Caress Cuticle Oil on which contains tea- tree oil and garlic bulb extract along with safflower and kukui nut oils. This hydrates the cuticles to boost nail flexibility to prevent breakage.
Good fitting socks are as important as good fitting shoes! Make sure that your socks are a good fit, with room to wiggle your toes. Make sure the tops of the socks are not tight, or digging into the leg causing swelling and reduced circulation.
Pure wool socks and pure cotton socks are best, wicking sweat away from the skin and keeping cold skin warm. Avoid nylon and man-made fibres. For sensitive feet with poor circulation try bamboo or cashmere socks.