Couch to 5K or the Great North Run!

Running Gait Analysis

Many of us feel the need to get fitter or lose weight and decide to start running, often being woefully unprepared!





For absolute beginners one of the best ways to start running is to follow the NHS Couch to 5K plan which is designed to get you off the couch and gradually work you up to running 5K or for half an hour, in just nine weeks.


Here is the link to the NHS Couch to 5K website:

So here are our 5 tips to help you get out running safely and in comfort:

  1. TRAINERS – the most important thing for any runner is to have the correct footwear. Trainers only last 350- 500 miles, so running 10 miles a week means that in 10 months your trainers are nearing replacement. Many of us use our trainers for walking, going to the gym and leisure as well as running, reducing the life expectancy further. Different foot types need different trainers; do you need stability, structured or neutral trainers? We can help you choose the correct trainer for your feet, and always buy from a reputable sports shop such as START FITNESS.
  2. LISTEN to your body, pushing too hard too soon can lead to injury.
  3. TRY to alternate your running route and surface, to help avoid repetitive strain injuries.
  4. ALWAYS warm up and down before and after exercise and remember to STRETCH after exercise.
  5. If you suffer an injury such as shin pain, heel pain, arch or general foot pain, knee or hip pain, don’t try to run through it, it only makes the injury worse and slows down the natural healing process. If you suffer from recurrent minor injury book an appointment with us and we can carry out gait analysis, using our RSScan, see the video below:

Watch our gait analysis video