The Richie Brace is used to treat a wide variety of foot and ankle pathologies, such as Drop Foot, Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity, Lateral Ankle Instability & Ankle & Subtalar Degenerative Joint Disease.
Dr’s Remedy Enriched Nail Care – Discover the podiatrist alternative to traditional polish! The first and only nail polish to receive The American Podiatric Medical Association seal of approval. This blend includes tea tree oil, garlic bulb extract, lavender, wheat protein and vitamins C and E. The collection of products includes many …
Howlett & Dickinson's 5 tips to help you get out running safely and in comfort
Free pink flip flops offer
Our opening hours and details of our Christmas complimentary sherry & mince pie with all treatments.
Do not be embarrassed about fungal nails. Visit Howlett & Dickinson in Newcastle for help. They can offer Wilde Pedique and also Clearanail in 2016.
Clearanail is coming to Howlett & Dickinson in Gosforth, Newcastle soon.
Podiatric laser therapy employs low power or “soft” laser light to aid the natural healing process of the body safely and effectively. It has been used for over 30 years and is widely available in the medical field for treatment of pain, wound healing and musculoskeletal conditions.
Preparing feet for winter During the summer months people tend to expose their feet and wear sandals this can cause the skin on our feet to get very dry and hard especially round the heels. During the winter our skin dries even more so the best thing to keep the feet as healthy as possible …
A uniquely formulated Cuticle Oil containing tea tree oil and garlic bulb extract along with safflower and kukui nut oils.