The Richie Brace is used to treat a wide variety of foot and ankle pathologies, such as Drop Foot, Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity, Lateral Ankle Instability & Ankle & Subtalar Degenerative Joint Disease.
Howlett & Dickinson's 5 tips to help you get out running safely and in comfort
Free pink flip flops offer
Hallux Limitus is a term used to describe loss of movement in the MTPJ. Hallux Rigidus is generally considered the end stage of Hallux Limitus where the big toe movement is greatly restricted or lost all together.
Podiatric laser therapy employs low power or “soft” laser light to aid the natural healing process of the body safely and effectively. It has been used for over 30 years and is widely available in the medical field for treatment of pain, wound healing and musculoskeletal conditions.
This year we ran a competition called “Search for a Runner”. We asked patients and the general public to enter our free prize draw to win an entry into the Great North Run. This entry was provided by Smile for Life children’s charity, Ashburton Road, Gosforth and the lucky winner would receive from us the …
As a Podiatrist you get to work closely with people, a majority of your work is taking care of people and there is a flurishing private sector with space for more businesses across the country.
The ideal shoe is very difficult to find and is often a matter of compromise, particularly with older children who are under the influence of fashion and peer group pressure.
The heel is designed as a shock absorber when walking and running and takes 0ne and a quarter times your body weight when walking and can increase to two and three quarter times your body weight when running.
It is becoming more evident that foot and lower limb function holds one of the keys to a proper golf swing. To transfer weight and produce an efficient swing, proper biomechanical balance of the foot is essential.