Get measured on a Brannock, the universal foot-measuring device will tell you your true size.
You’d be forgiven for thinking that falls are a part of ageing, something that ‘just happens’ as you get older. Most people do. And it’s not surprising when they happen so often, around a third of over 65s and half of those over 80s will fall every year. But there are many simple things that …
Following on from this months theme of embarrassing feet, our friends at Michael Offord Optometrist have written our first guest post on: Embarrassing Glasses. Are you one of those people still wearing Deirdre Barlow 1980’s style glasses? Perhaps you’ve been wearing the same style of frames for years which you, your friends and family have …
The foot is a complicated structure that provides a stable base to hold us upright and help us move. It is one of the most neglected parts of our body, and no two feet are the same!
The heel is designed as a shock absorber when walking and running and takes 0ne and a quarter times your body weight when walking and can increase to two and three quarter times your body weight when running.
Orthoses are ideal for rugby players where weight distribution, balance and speed is essential.
buy shoes in the afternoon when your feet are at their largest
Knees and feet are particularly prone to arthritis and The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists is urging people to be vigilant about pain in these areas to help aid detection and improve quality of life and treatment
It is becoming more evident that foot and lower limb function holds one of the keys to a proper golf swing. To transfer weight and produce an efficient swing, proper biomechanical balance of the foot is essential.
Due to natural weight gain in pregnancy, the centre of gravity is moved which changes the posture and walking pattern which can effect balance, which may result in additional pressure on the hips, knees and feet.