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Foot Conditions

Fungal infections in feet

Fungal infections such as athletes foot can lead to intense itching and cracked, blistered or peeling areas of the skin. If left untreated it can spread to the toenails causing thickening and yellowing of the nail. Fungal infections are highly contagious so avoid handling and do not use the same towel for your feet as …

What are corns and callous

Corns and calluses occur as a result of pressure on the foot. Corns appear over a bony prominence such as a joint, and a callus usually occurs on the sole of the foot. Do not cut corns yourself and don’t use corn plasters or paints which can burn the healthy tissue around the corns. Commercially …

What is a verrucae

A verruca is a type of wart that looks like a small, dark puncture mark in the early stages but later turns grey or brown. It’s contagious through direct contact. You can buy over-the-counter remedies from your pharmacy; ask for products with salicylic acid. If at any stage your verruca becomes painful and the surrounding …

How to stop foot odour

The medical name for foot odour is known as bromodosis, Smelly feet are a common problem that can occur at anytime of the year. Anyone can get smelly feet and it can be embarrassing and unpleasant for you and people around you. The feet have more sweat glands than any other part of the body. …

Do foot problems effect your Golf swing?

It is becoming more evident that foot and lower limb function holds one of the keys to a proper golf swing. To transfer weight and produce an efficient swing, proper biomechanical balance of the foot is essential.

Pregnancy & your feet

Due to natural weight gain in pregnancy, the centre of gravity is moved which changes the posture and walking pattern which can effect balance, which may result in additional pressure on the hips, knees and feet.

What you need to think about before you start running?

Many people think they can't run complaining of knee pain,back and foot pain. More specifically shin splints, plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia,Ilio Tibial Band syndrome to name but a few.

How do I stop sweaty, smelly feet?

When the skin breaks this can then increase the risk of bacterial infection, which in turn causes the characteristic smelly feet odour. A sweat rash can then develop which consits of tiny blisters which can then block the sweat gland ducts. This results in damage to the tissues and inflammation

Diabetic Footcare

Diabetic footcare. Why do diabetics need to look after their feet?Diabetes may affect your feet in a number of ways and in some cases may lead to serious complications.

What is a Chilblain

What is a chilblain? This is a seasonal, sudden constriction of a blood vessel affecting the young and old. This cold injury, when resolving may be mistaken for unusual hard skin or old blisters. There may be an underlying medical condition complicating the problem.