Category: Foot Conditions

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Foot Conditions

Dr’s Remedy Caress Cuticle Oil

A uniquely formulated Cuticle Oil containing tea tree oil and garlic bulb extract along with safflower and kukui nut oils.

NEW! Dr’s Remedy Nail Polish

Dr's Remedy is the best alternative nail care line for anyone who wants beautiful looking nails and wants to AVOID formaldehyde resin, toluene and DBP's. Remedy is Vegan friendly and contains a range of organic ingredients in its special formulation.

Podiatry as a Career

As a Podiatrist you get to work closely with people, a majority of your work is taking care of people and there is a flurishing private sector with space for more businesses across the country.

Kid’s Shoes

The ideal shoe is very difficult to find and is often a matter of compromise, particularly with older children who are under the influence of fashion and peer group pressure.

Video: Introducing our latest foot scanner

We are pleased to announce the arrival of our new RSscan Footscan System.

Feet For Life Month – Embarrassing Feet

Feet are one of the hardest working parts of the body and in a lifetime you will walk in excess of 150,000 miles, which is about five times around the world. As a result, foot problems are common and if untreated can cause discomfort and wider health problems. As part of its annual Feet for …

Heel Pain

The heel is designed as a shock absorber when walking and running and takes 0ne and a quarter times your body weight when walking and can increase to two and three quarter times your body weight when running.

Treating cracked heels

Cracked heels can be extremely painful and occur where the skin has become dry or has experienced excessive pressure. To prevent this moisturise use a hard skin file when dry. If the problem worsens see a podiatrist as some severe cases can require strapping of the cracks in order to allow the feet to heal. …

What are bunions

A bunion is a condition where the big toe is angled excessively towards the second toe and a bony prominence develops on the side of the big toe. Contrary to popular belief, bunions are not solely caused by shoes. They are caused by a defective mechanical structure of the foot which is genetic, although footwear …

What are ingrowing toenails

Ingrowing toenails pierce the flesh of the toe and can be extremely painful and lead to further infection. They most commonly affect the big toenail but can affect other toes too. To reduce risk use nail cutters and cut nails straight across and don’t cut too low at the edge or down the side. If …