
Shin Spints, what are they?

Shin splints is a generalised term used to describe pain and inflammation in the front of the lower leg. However this type of pain can be caused by several different conditions and "shin splints" is generally related to a condition known as Medial Tibila Stress Syndrome (MTSS).

Search for a runner 2014

Ever fancied running the Great North Run but you’re always too late to enter or have not plucked up the courage yet? We  are looking for a runner or someone new to running to sponsor for the Great North Run 2014. You’ll get a free Gait Analysis from us Howlett & Dickinson, free trainers from …

Summer Feet

Exposing your feet in the summer after a long winter in enclosed shoes, boots and socks can be a bit daunting! Dry cracked heels, thick damaged toe nails, fungal nails, athlete’s foot, corns, hard skin and sweaty feet are just some of the conditions we have to contend with. Not the best look when sporting …

Foot creams and lotions

Afetr a routine podiatry appointment cream can be applied to dry cracked heels and soles after the skin is removed. Ureka Cream Cracked heels and excessively dry skin should be treated with the more intense 25% Urea Cream. Applied regularly this will quickly hydrate and moisturise the affected area. Once the body’s natural balance has …

Great North Run Preperation

If you are  new to running, before you start any event you need the right trainers. Here at Howlett and Dickinson we can help by telling you what foot type you are and if you need a biomechanical assessment and gait analysis we do this using our RS scan technology Once we have identified any …

Why do I run

Like most runners I have a love-hate relationship with running. I hate getting out of bed at 5am in the cold dark winter but once I'm out I love the freedom and the peacefulness of an early morning run. I started running about 2 years ago , I couldn't run far I was unfit, overweight …

Six things to look for when choosing a new pair of golf shoes

Get measured on a Brannock, the universal foot-measuring device will tell you your true size.

Feet For Life Month – Embarrassing Feet

Feet are one of the hardest working parts of the body and in a lifetime you will walk in excess of 150,000 miles, which is about five times around the world. As a result, foot problems are common and if untreated can cause discomfort and wider health problems. As part of its annual Feet for …

Falls Awareness Week 2013

You’d be forgiven for thinking that falls are a part of ageing, something that ‘just happens’ as you get older. Most people do. And it’s not surprising when they happen so often, around a third of over 65s and half of those over 80s will fall every year. But there are many simple things that …

Guest Post – Embarrassing Glasses

Following on from this months theme of embarrassing feet, our friends at Michael Offord Optometrist have written our first guest post on: Embarrassing Glasses. Are you one of those people still wearing Deirdre Barlow 1980’s style glasses? Perhaps you’ve been wearing the same style of frames for years which you, your friends and family have …