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You can also check with us that a professional is registered. You may see these health and care professions in an NHS clinic, privately, at home, in hospital or at school. www.hcpc/
Dr’s Remedy Enriched Nail Care – Discover the podiatrist alternative to traditional polish! The first and only nail polish to receive The American Podiatric Medical Association seal of approval. This blend includes tea tree oil, garlic bulb extract, lavender, wheat protein and vitamins C and E. The collection of products includes many …
Howlett & Dickinson's 5 tips to help you get out running safely and in comfort
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Hallux Limitus is a term used to describe loss of movement in the MTPJ. Hallux Rigidus is generally considered the end stage of Hallux Limitus where the big toe movement is greatly restricted or lost all together.
Foot and ankle pain related to carrying excess weight, often occurs in weight-bearing areas, as well as in the tendons and ligaments. Common foot problems include posterior tibial tendonitis, plantar fasciitis and rear foot arthritis.
Our opening hours and details of our Christmas complimentary sherry & mince pie with all treatments.
Do not be embarrassed about fungal nails. Visit Howlett & Dickinson in Newcastle for help. They can offer Wilde Pedique and also Clearanail in 2016.