Baby’s First Shoes

Baby shoesBaby’s First Shoes (Society of Chiropodists & Podiatrists)

 As parents know, most babies don’t stay put for very long. The world is a fascinating place, particularly if it’s all new to you. So what happens if that amazing thing is just out if reach? You learn to crawl, that’s what.

 Let’s rock and roll: By about four months most babies start to rock and roll, first from their side to their back, then back again. Soon after they’ll start to lie with their upper body supported on one or both hands – all the better to see the world around them. Next they’ll learn to sit. At first they can stay in place when you put them down for just a few seconds before tumbling back, but later they’ll be able to sit up for themselves.

 Olympic crawl: Next, babies will learn that by pushing down with hands and raising their upper body, they can pull themselves along. Later, little legs join in too and then they’re off. At high speed too – they can crawl four hundred metres in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea. Of course not all babies are the same and forego crawling in favour of a rather curious bottom shuffling.

 Baby-walkers: Forget them. Your babies will stand when they’re ready and baby-walkers won’t make it any sooner. In fact badly adjusted baby-walkers may even hinder development as they mean your child will have to stretch to reach the ground and won’t need to learn to balance independently.

 Early first shoes: “Cruising” comes between crawling and walking. Having pulled themselves up on the furniture children slide their hands to one side, then their feet, which allows them to move their whole body. To stay upright they will always keep either two hands and one foot or two feet and one hand in place.

 At first they will crawl when confronted with a gap between furniture. But as they grow they learn to cross by moving their feet into the gap and letting go to totter to the next support.

 Time for first shoes: Most children learn to walk aged between 9 and 18 months, depending on the development of the required muscular strength. But don’t hurry them or become anxious – your child is an individual and will walk when they are ready. After all, these are just the first steps on a very long road.

 First shoes: Once your child can take a few steps unaided then he or she is ready for that first pair of real shoes. When choosing your child’s first shoes the first thing to look for is a trained fitter. Then make sure the shoes have these features:


    * Close cropped soles to prevent tripping

    * Room for movement and growth built in

    * Soft leather uppers for cool comfortable feet

    * Lightweight, flexible sole to aid walking development

    * Whole and half sizes and a choice of widths to find the right fit

    * Fully adjustable fastenings

    * Padded ankle for protection and support


Up and running

 At this age most kids learn to run and do little standing jumps. Once they reach this stage watch out, as you’ll need shoes that can take some punishment and still look good.


Our recommendations for infant shoes:


    * Room to grown built in without sacrificing fit

    * Made to follow the unique shape of children’s feet

    * Whole and half sizes and a choice of widths

    * Quality leather uppers for comfort and protection

    * Lightweight, flexible sole for comfort and grip


Running and Jumping

 As your child grows, you will pass many other milestones together, first birthday, first words, and many others. But while all this is happening your child’s feet and their walking will be developing all the time.

 By the time your child is a fully-fledged toddler they will walk very differently from when they took those first steps.


    * Arms are no longer used for balance so they can be used to pick up (and throw down!) things that catch the eye

    * Knees and feet now point forward as the hip joints are fully in place

    * Ankles and knees are now being flexed, reducing the shock that leads to head movement and, in turn, tumbles

    * Walking is still flat footed (which is what can make can make toddlers look clumsy) so light, flexible soles are still vital Related Links Foot experts warn of the perils of ballet fashion Foot Experts Warn Of Perils Of Ballet Fashion