
Home / Accessibility

Treatment Rooms

We have 2 treatment rooms, one downstairs and one upstairs.

The ground floor access is suitable for those with mobility issues and a normal size wheelchair will fit. The flooring is flat from the front door to the treatment room.
The treatment room is small and it is difficult to fit in larger wheel chairs and mobility scooters. Please ask reception if you are unsure about access.

For those that cannot transfer from wheel chair to treatment chair, they can remain in their chair for treatment.

The upstairs treatment room is accessed by stairs with hand rails on each side & should only be used by those patients who are fit and able to use stairs.

Please state on booking if you wish to be seen downstairs.


Unfortunately due to the size and age of the property, the toilet is upstairs and not accessible to those with mobility issues.

Please note the toilet is accessed through the treatment room, which is used all day, everyday. Patients are therefore requested to wait, where possible, to access the toilet between patient appointments.


Car parking is available on Ashburton Road and along the side streets.

There is a drop down pavement with a white line, outside the practice. This space can be used for “drop off” only.


Bus stops are located at the end of Ashburton Road on Salters Road 150m (164yds) from the practice.

The bus stop on Kenton Road is approximately 685m (750yds) from the practice,


The nearest is South Gosforth Metro station which is 1.2 miles.

The next nearest metro station is Regent Centre which is 1.4 miles.

Onward buses are available from each metro station.